19 December, 2008

Christmas Candle Centre Piece

With only five days left till Christmas, third class had a very festive day today. This morning the lads worked on there Christmas candle centre pieces. The example above was made by Jamie. Well done Jamie, super work! Before lunch we worked on our play, 'A Christmas Carol' which is coming together just in time for Tuesdays performance in the hall. In the afternoon 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class including teachers, SNAs and Mr Candon all went carol singing at the I.F.S.C

16 December, 2008

The Advent Wreath

The advent wreath has five candles. They symbolise hope, peace, joy, love and a white candle for Christ. The white candle is lit on Christmas Eve.

By Patryk, Leroy and Noel

12 December, 2008

Mistle Thrush

A drawing by Noel

10 December, 2008

Christmas Cribb

There are 15 days left till Christmas and someones special birthday. Christmas would not be here without that special someone and his name is Jesus. His Mother and Father Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem. There was no room in the inn so they had to stay in the stable and the three wise men came with gifts for the baby Jesus.

By Luke

09 December, 2008

Larriers Christmas Tree

There are 16 days left until Christmas. John, Breda, Liz and Theresa decorated the school hall and put up the Christmas tree last week. Today we sang a new song called ‘Honey’ with Mr Baily.

By Alex

08 December, 2008

Lunch Time Lego

It was raining during lunch time today. We asked if we could play with lego. We decided to make a station. Jonathan and Evan made cars. Jordan and myself made the men and we all made the station.

By James.

05 December, 2008

Our Instruments

Yesterday 3rd class made some brilliant instruments. We made the instruments out of paper, bottles and glue. Our table made maracas. The boys at the other tables also made bongos, tambourines and a xylophone. Today we will paint them.

By Patryk.